Title : We haven't decided yet

      I will be honest with you, I have no clue where this one’s going, it’s been ages since I have written something, but hopefully, this goes well. I am really passionate about watching movies, web series, and almost any sort of media, so I am always looking for something new to watch. The thing is I absolutely had no clue about the stuff outside the mainstream content. French, Japanese, Iranian, Korean and even regional cinema in India was only recently discovered by me, which was literally the best find. The number of literal gems we haven’t seen cause of the language barrier or simply because it’s trending is just too much. 


(They are beans btw and that's a real movie,the best movie ever)

     But we already know that, because we gave it a try because we finally caved into that one friend who kept pestering you with suggestions and now, we are in for it, binge-watched the whole thing, went to dig up the next season release dates, possible spinoffs, stan accounts and still looking for something similar to binge again. I have been through this phase where I only watched one thing, it was FRIENDS for me in 10th, then HIMYM, The Big Bang Theory, The Office and then came Death Note, Naruto, One Piece and it was pretty much just anime and every goddam movie ever. After that I was mostly just into investigative thriller mystery stuff, Sherlock Holmes, Twelve Angry Men, Aaranya Kaandam you know the classics. But even after watching all of these, being in bliss, I only realize now how much I was in ignorance of the variety. 

     See I didn’t like romantic movies or series at the time, to be more accurate I liked them, but I was way too stupid to understand them. Sure, there was this innocent curiosity and a simple attraction that I had, but knowing how good a romantic drama can make you feel about someone, I’d say the naïve boy, who was easily influenced by the popularity (past me, it’s totally fine if you couldn’t follow that one) missed out a lot. This wasn’t something I just came upon, countless movies and multiple rewatches later, that’s when I saw it. OK Kanmani, 500 Days of Summer, Alai Payudhe, Thoovanathumbikal (it’s a Malayalam movie), What if, In the Mood Love, A Bittersweet Life, Annayum Rasoolum, October and many more, all these movies hit different every time I rewatched it because I was able to relate to those movies according to the situation and experiences I was going through. It’s like watching a movie and connecting with every character in it. But not every movie has to relate to you, if the story is compelling enough to move you, you are definitely going to fall in love with it. 

     You might have got an idea of the example I’m going to use, let’s take little things. I am so thankful that my sister suggested this one when she did because it really is the little thing. There are moments in it where I am so sure I have never been in any situation like the but I could empathize with the character on screen. The show deals with so many issues with such ease without the relationship between Dhruv and kavya getting problematic or any adjective that says badly. They aren’t perfect, even together they have doubts, they make mistakes, they help each other fix, it and the biggest lesson of all FOOD are very important. 

     As I said this is just non-coherent ramblings that remotely relates to what I was supposed to write, but just like every conversation I ever had, it almost always drifts away from the topic at hand and ends up talking about something completely different. Even while writing this, I am watching “Kengan Ashura Fight Breakdowns”, unnecessary information let’s move on. 

     So the point being I am an immortal with so much time on my hands that I spend it by watching mere mortals being characters penned by a writer who has woven a story either based on the reality they live in or an imaginary world where they control the fate of these characters for the better or worse, this story can be completely grounded like “The Lunchbox” or can have a weird twist to it like “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” or can be a fun joyride like “Scott Pilgrim Vs The World”. All these movies are beautiful in their own way, to clarify this is not a movie recommendation cliché blog post but the fanatic in me would want you to watch every single movie mentioned by me.  

     If you stayed this long, I’m not sure how you feel about this but I intend to share about movies and series I watched and what captivating magic I came across. You might think of me as a salesperson but really I’m here to share.  😄

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Abijith Nair


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