Love, Compassion, Kindness - Absolute Joke today!

     The father of our nation once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it’s animals are treated.”
     The very problem of our entire human existence is that we don’t care. We are so entwined in our problems like relationships and crap like there’s going to be a long que or OMG I have so much homework; we lament on stuff like that which we are in the end only too lazy to do that no one wants to talk about the real problems but only create problems who even dare to do a little good.

     There’s a blog article going around regarding feeding the strays. Now it’s a good article but some nimrods are trying to make it work their way. The article sites a case of Delhi High court some-time in 2017 that clearly says feeding the strays in private property shouldn’t be done if you aren’t ready to take responsibility of any harm caused by the dog/dogs. there was also a story of a boy who fed a puppy who sat in front of their door. He fed the pup there in the staircase itself.  Now the problem with those nimrods is that with absolute joke of a reading and comprehending skills, they want to stop the feeding the strays completely! And they're not even the ones doing it! (Height of  irritating Stupidity I tell you!) 
To those out there. Check these compliance before demanding to stop feeding them:
  • 1.     They have been fed in Private property.
  • 2.     That property is also being used by you.
  • 3.     The feeders are taking no measures whatsoever.

     I’m a dog feeder too. It’s basic compassion. Also it’s a fundamental duty of the citizens. When a fundamental right has been violated you have remedies for it, as the Latin phrase goes ‘Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium’ but that doesn’t mean you can so blindly under the name of it prohibit another individual or a group of individuals from performing their fundamental duty which is also indirectly their freedom under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, a fundamental right. For you to make a viable case and not in just the judicial sense that the Honorable Delhi High Court ruled, but also for the sake of argument with a base, check whether the feeders are taking any measures to not cause nuisance and the personnel/s so appointed to keep a check on who and what enters the land is/are doing their duty or not.

     I'm too facing the same issue with my locality. I'm doing everything I can to keep them out of my building but the guards just don't bother enough to take the same efforts so I can't help more! One thing people need to understand that the dog only understands the language of Love and Hate. When I try to shoo him away that doesn't work because the dog knows I don't mean harm. But when the Guards or some unknown individual shoo him, he has a threat from them and he easily scares off. But again, this is 2020 and humans are no longer capable of sympathetic feelings and common sense has anyways been questionable ever-since the inception of human existence.    

     Everyday feeder of strays are being harassed all over the country. Only last week a video gone viral on Instagram of the assault of a group in New Delhi and even after the violence inflicted on the group not to forget damaging their car too, the Delhi police took no action. However, if/when the police fails/refuses to do their job there are provisions for that too. Perks of Democratic state. 

     Fundamental Duties under the Constitution of India which is given in Part IV-A of the Constitution of India which was inserted by the (42nd Amendment) Act, 1976. Under Art. 51 A(g) of the Constitution of India. It mandates every citizen to protect forests, lakes, rivers, wild animals etc. Apart from that, Constitution also reminds us to show compassion towards birds and animals.

     Now honestly, I don’t expect everyone to know their duties as well as rights, but have you forgotten your schooling absolutely?! They always teach you in school to be kind to animals and birds and even it’s a ritual to feed the Raven some food in Hinduism and basically any and every other religion tells you to have compassion for animals. But honestly who does? The school teaches you to be kind, not lie, not steal, not to bad mouth anyone but yes it’s only in the textbooks and in the classrooms. It’s a joke! Parents teach their kids to throw stones at a dog when you see him/her in the way and most of the times the dog is just a passerby.

     Now nobody is forcing you to do what is clearly one of the fundamental duties, but you can’t just stop those who willingly want to feed the stray dogs. If the stray dog enters your share of land/property that you enjoy, It’s not the job of those who feed them or the tenants. You got some personnel appointed, tell him to do his damn job in the first place! I get it, humanity is a foreign concept to people in case of another species of living being, but stop being an ass to the people who do. 
     That Dog is a living creature like you too. They too deserve to eat good and be loved. Don't take that away from them. 

Check the compliance given above, make sure the personnel appointed to look after the premises actually do their job and that the feeders are feeding the strays in public area away from your place of problem and then make your statements. Harassing without probable cause can land you with a harassment or private nuisance instead.

Kindly Don't Be a Walking Nuisance.
Thank You!


  1. In India, we have forgotten what it is to be compassionate. I remember growing up with cats and dogs. We had pets at home and animal friends in the street and parks to play with. Adopting strays was such a nice and humane thing to do. Now the community has changed. Pets not allowed in society buildings, no feeding animals on the street, etc etc. We are all God's creatures ....please change your attitude towards animals. Practice good dharma ..for good karma.

    1. Seriously! what kind of progress are we making! If we feed they'll make sure no foreign unwanted element enters their area. God made mothers so he can be everywhere, we have dogs because police can't be everywhere.

  2. To some extent I agree. In the current crisis we must learn co- existence and mutual care is vital

    1. Exactly! during a time like this, when no restaurants are open and very limited shops, they're left on the streets with no option. At-least at a time like this everyone should be considerate enough not to stop those who do. Anyways pandemic or not, stopping someone from feeding the strays is criminal intimidation and is punishable under Indian Penal Code. But people give up so easily. It's a sorry state, really.

  3. Absolutely 👍💯.Very nicely drafted article..keep it up

  4. Considering all the animal cruelty going around everyone needs to read this
    Thank you bud for this

    1. Well Thank you for reading it! I hope this does at least some good.

  5. That Dog is a living creature like you too. They too deserve to eat good and be loved. Don't take that away from them.
    It hit me hard!!!!

    1. Honestly! Humans have abandoned humanity completely! Please Do share it further with your friends and family. Let's try to spread the message!

  6. You've voiced your anguish, it's good. Let compassion prevail and continue to do the good deed. Some have little or NO compassion for animals. Let's simply not be deterred by their actions.

    1. A strong message to all the feeders out there! Absolutely We should not be deterred by their actions and keep going!

  7. Great thoughts ❤️❤️

  8. A v thought and well said words. Our country is lacking empathy and there aren’t many people to speak up on this matter is also a reason for this Damage. Govt has turn blind eye to it. It’s great you spoke n written on this👏🏻👏🏻
    Much love dear ❕

    1. Exactly! the problem is when trouble like this pops up, the feeders usually give up because who'd care for a dog? But we have excellent laws to protect people who feed the strays but hen again who'd take the actual efforts and stand up for those who don't have a voice. They'd rather just give up.


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