Things We Really Need to Know. ft. Eat Pray Love

Hello there! So how’s everyone been doing?

     Well it just randomly came to me how sometimes a movie just click with you on a different level? Well I love one such movie Eat Pray Love based on the book Eat Pray Love. Well yes someday I want to travel like the protagonist does, sure and I’ll have to travel to only Rome and Bali because India is my home 😉. 
     Eat Pray Love is actually the journey of a woman to everything but to me it was like things that nobody ever tells you but you need to know. When Julia Roberts is in Italy, she meets new people. Meting new people opens up one's various horizons for perspectives. 
They teach us to be kind, caring, have self-respect, to pray but no one ever tells us as to why this is important. Why is that so important.

1. To Self:

     In a scene where Liz and her friend go to Napoli for pizza. I swear, never in my life have I ever seen pizza as beautiful as that. And no wonder they stood in a line for it and had separate pizzas for themselves. Here is the BEST part, Sofi says her pants are getting tighter and she’s gaining weight with all the eating, to which Liz replies that they are having pizza margherita in Napoli it’s their moral imperative to eat and enjoy that pizza. Liz says “I’m so tired of saying no and waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before. Counting every calorie, I consume so that I know exactly how much self-loathing to take to the shower. I’m going for it. I’ve no interest in being obese. I’m just through with the guilt.”

     Take it from someone who has been teased a lot by the people for obesity, nobody really cares. It’s your body, you could walk maybe join gym but honestly, the pain from working out is nothing compared to the calorie-counting or saying no to food you really want. You’ve got a good health, a well-functioning body, so u have a muffin top, is that why you’ll self-loathe your way throughout the day? To hell with the lockdown weight! Eat and be Happy!

2. To Pray/Devote:

     The movie shows next this amazing ashram in India where devotees from all over the world visit to. They do seva, meditation, attend prayers and enjoy Indian Cuisine. Here Liz meets a sweet 17-year-old girl Devi. She’s about to be married off into a wealthy family but she’d rather study psychology than be a homemaker. Liz also meets a Richard from Texas. It’s extremely hard for Liz to meditate as a beginner but Richard give her a few pointers (You'll have to watch the movie for that 😉). The thing about meditation is… it’s amazing. To empty one’s mind and to select the right thoughts is certainly a challenge. I am personally fond of meditation. It’s but natural to fall asleep during or after meditation because it's extremely relaxing. You won’t know what a calm mind feels like until you’ve done it right. And I personally took meditation sessions last summer and it was truly amazing!

     When Liz devoted her seva to Devi’s happy marital life, that made Devi believe as well. In a world where this girl thought nobody really cares, there’s a woman, devoting her seva to her so she could be happy. We have become so distant and so apart with our own people that we no longer care. We should care. We should care that there is more to this world than just us. People go about saying how much they desire world peace but are your actions guided toward peace? Stop saying you want world peace when the first thing you do is pelt stones to the first dog you see in your way! Hypocrisy Rules the world now. 

3. The Balance:

     When Liz goes to Bali, Ketut Leir tells her that there should be balance in life. In order to stay happy in life you must know where you are. And in the center is the balance, right at the meeting of heaven and earth. Not too much God, not too much Selfish or life too crazy. You lose balance, you lose power. That’s what puts everything to sense.  

     My whole point being that this movie (haven’t read the book yet) it’s simply amazing. It inspires. It’s a feel good movie. The balance makes sense. We should have equal parts of work and fun. It’s easier to lose the sight of how much important it is to relax and have fun.

     This is what really needed to be taught and told on an overall. Kudos to Elizabeth Gilbert to putting it out there! 

P.s. This resembles much to Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Id, Ego and Superego. It’s an interesting theory of personality by him. 

We are breathing but are we truly alive? Are we doing this right?

Thank you!

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  1. The perfect balance between selfishness and devotion... that's really important..

    1. IkR!! I mean they teach us to be kind and to take care for ourselves but never tell us why is it so important.

  2. Beautifully written ❤💕

  3. Beautifully written ❤💕

  4. Good to know that you could really go deep into the movie and understand the values it has tried to deliver. Good work.

    1. Thank you! I really do love and adore the movie!


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